Sunday 13 April 2014


Let me first give you a clear example of what Drugs are.

According to Wikipedia: drug is a substance which may have medicinalintoxicatingperformance enhancing or other effects when taken or put into a humanbody or the body of another animal and is not considered a food or exclusively a food.

According to Me: If misused, It's something that completely destroy's your life. 

The most common drug and the most popular one is Cannabis, To be honest I'm a student and my friends smoke Cannabis or more commonly known as 'Weed'. And let me tell you they have failed their exams and classes and are now being kicked out of school. Why? They got addicted and started taking it, Most times they took it at night and could not get up for their exams.

Never go into the habit of misusing Drugs, It's very addictive and very Dangerous.

Drug misuse is not a disease, it is a decision, like the decision to step out in front of a moving car. You would call that not a disease but an error of judgment."

Fairness Creams, Myth?

Fairness Creams don't actually make you fairer, The effect only lasts if you keep applying the product. Where I come from, Whitening creams are products of choice.
Every shade is good, Why else would people tan themselves and go for the Asian Tanned look? 

Ps4 Or Xbox One?

The battle between the Xbox One and PS4 will decide the future of home gaming. But choosing which to buy is easier said than done. 

They both cost around £400 with a game, they both come from respected names with long histories in the gaming field. They even share many of the same games. To make your decision a bit easier, we've compared the Xbox One and PS4 in minute detail, from the games available to the hardware under the hood.

At launch, the Xbox One was significantly more expensive than the PS4. It was down to the Xbox One’s inclusion of the Kinect sensor, a separate and fairly advanced piece of motion tracking hardware. However, that’s starting to change.

The many reports about the PS4 outselling the Xbox One in its first few months have caused Microsoft to start being very aggressive about the Xbox console’s pricing. It started off at £429.99 with no games, but you can buy the new Titanfall bundle for £399.99, or even less at some online stores. If we say Titanfall is worth about £40, that makes the console just £359.99. That’s just £10 more than the PS4’s RRP – and don’t forget, you get Kinect too. Some stores are offering the console alone for £379.99 too.

The latest PS4 bundle includes infamous: Second Son, and that retails for around £384.99. Sony’s PS4 just doesn’t have a real price advantage anymore. And that makes choosing between the PS4 and Xbox One even harder.

As has been the case since launch, the PS4 is slightly harder to get hold of than the Xbox One. Microsoft’s console is available just about everywhere, but stocks of the ‘console only’ PS4 package are very limited. You’re best off looking for a bundle – either the official inFamous or Killzone ones, or a ‘store made’ bundle.

Xbox One vs PS4 – Best Current and Future Games

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The most important factor with any game console is games. Above all else, you should go with the console that has the games you want to play. 

Many of this generation’s games will be available for both consoles. This was true with the last generation too, but the Xbox One and PS4 make it easier than ever for developers to cross-produce for both platforms. 

Let’s have a look at the top games that are already available, and those that are coming out for each console.